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About District Hotels


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About District Hotels


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About District Hotels


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About District Hotels


Short stay

From our hotel, it is quick and easy to travel to the beautiful city center of Amsterdam. The city is globally renowned for its diverse cultural and historical attractions, making it one of the world’s most beloved destinations for a multi-day city trip. Take a delightful canal cruise, explore the vibrant neighborhood of Jordaan, and visit the world-famous museums such as the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum, and the Stedelijk Museum. With something to offer in every corner, Amsterdam is the perfect destination for a short city trip. And if you couldn’t see everything on your list during your brief visit, we will gladly welcome you back with open arms next time!

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Short stay

From our hotel, it is quick and easy to travel to the beautiful city center of Amsterdam. The city is globally renowned for its diverse cultural and historical attractions, making it one of the world’s most beloved destinations for a multi-day city trip. Take a delightful canal cruise, explore the vibrant neighborhood of Jordaan, and visit the world-famous museums such as the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum, and the Stedelijk Museum. With something to offer in every corner, Amsterdam is the perfect destination for a short city trip. And if you couldn’t see everything on your list during your brief visit, we will gladly welcome you back with open arms next time!

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Long(er) stay

A few days for a city trip may not be sufficient to truly experience the diverse city of Amsterdam and its stunning surroundings. However, for those seeking to fully immerse themselves in this exceptional city and its beautiful region, our hotel is the perfect choice. Our convenient location ensures quick access to Amsterdam’s city center, where you can enjoy popular attractions like canal cruises, museums, historic Amsterdam pubs, and serene parks. Furthermore, if you’re interested in exploring beyond Amsterdam, our hotel is close to the historic windmills of Zaanse Schans and provides easy access to the charming and historic city of Haarlem or the picturesque Zandvoort beach!

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Long(er) stay

A few days for a city trip may not be sufficient to truly experience the diverse city of Amsterdam and its stunning surroundings. However, for those seeking to fully immerse themselves in this exceptional city and its beautiful region, our hotel is the perfect choice. Our convenient location ensures quick access to Amsterdam’s city center, where you can enjoy popular attractions like canal cruises, museums, historic Amsterdam pubs, and serene parks. Furthermore, if you’re interested in exploring beyond Amsterdam, our hotel is close to the historic windmills of Zaanse Schans and provides easy access to the charming and historic city of Haarlem or the picturesque Zandvoort beach!

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Discover the Netherlands

The Netherlands is more than just Amsterdam. With an excellent railway network and convenient facilities, you can easily explore the numerous attractions and beautiful places this diverse country has to offer from our hotel near Amsterdam. For instance, you can visit the vibrant and historic cities of The Hague, Utrecht, or Nijmegen, experience the multicultural port city of Rotterdam, or journey through the picturesque and charming provinces of Brabant and Limburg.

If you’re looking to unwind in nature for a few days, the Netherlands has much to offer as well. Enjoy the delightful beaches, explore the Wadden Islands, immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Veluwe, or visit the historic dolmens in Drenthe. Our friendly staff is more than happy to assist you in planning the ideal itinerary for a remarkable journey through the many beautiful destinations in the Netherlands.

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Discover the Netherlands

The Netherlands is more than just Amsterdam. With an excellent railway network and convenient facilities, you can easily explore the numerous attractions and beautiful places this diverse country has to offer from our hotel near Amsterdam. For instance, you can visit the vibrant and historic cities of The Hague, Utrecht, or Nijmegen, experience the multicultural port city of Rotterdam, or journey through the picturesque and charming provinces of Brabant and Limburg.

If you’re looking to unwind in nature for a few days, the Netherlands has much to offer as well. Enjoy the delightful beaches, explore the Wadden Islands, immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Veluwe, or visit the historic dolmens in Drenthe. Our friendly staff is more than happy to assist you in planning the ideal itinerary for a remarkable journey through the many beautiful destinations in the Netherlands.

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Good nights
Free WiFi


Checked in within minutes

The precinct

In beautiful Zaandam near Amsterdam


Good nights sleep, free WiFi


Checked in within minutes

The precinct

In beautiful Zaandam near Amsterdam

